Sunday, February 15, 2009

courtesy and the city

i think i'm going to compose a list of things to do and not to do when you live in the city....
let me just say, i have been extremely irritated with neighbors, fellow citizens and bikers while living in los angeles......although, i'm a happy person, sometimes i just get down-right annoyed with other l.a. residents and i'm feeling compelled to share my annoyances with the world...

but for now, i'm off to work
the list is coming soon...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

the young growing wise

"it's all about quality not quantity," someone once said

i'm sure you (including myself) have heard this phrase a thousand times......but today it struck a chord in my headspace and today i am feeling lighter because of it...

my little seed

things i have done to get 1 step closer to
the mini-launch of my business:

-got my hands on some cool vintage "supplies"

-used photoshop for the very first time in the 28 years of my life

-created and designed a banner for my online page

-put my little hands and fingers to work in order to craft craft craft away

i'm excited to see how all of this will turn me success is not how much money my little business will generate, it is being able to see the finished product knowing that i pushed and challenged myself to cultivate something that is mine to share. this venture is my little seed. a seed that i've planted and will watch grow from the ground up. i'm just happy i had the courage and confidence to finally
plant that seed.