Saturday, October 30, 2010

it's NOT cruel to be k i n d

I'm currently reading Alicia Silverstone's book, the kind diet, and couldn't be more grateful to have been introduced to it by a dear, dear friend {thanks Michele U. ;}.  
This book is overflowing with information that we should all consider, deeply!  The recipes are so delightful and the overall vibe and tone is peaceful and honest.  You can also check out Alicia's blog HERE for other "kind" material.   

"let food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food"

Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine, 460-377 BCC
{quote from, the kind diet

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

k o o d e l a h and UNIQUE L.A. {a love story}

Hell to the yes!
k o o d e l a h has been accepted in to the 2o1o UNIQUE L.A. Holiday SHow and is ready to knock your socks off!  Here is a sneak peak at what the UNIQUE L.A. experience is all about!

just a few words from sonja, {the MasterMind behind it all}...

  "We thrive on individualism. We believe in community. And we love showing off local, independent designers and artists... Buying local rawks!

   UNIQUE LA is an exciting two-day shopping event that showcases the best independent design talent in America, allowing shoppers to meet and buy from the designers directly! The largest independent design+art show in the USA, we feature over 300 hand-selected independent vendors all under one roof. You'll find the best independent fashion, art, stationery, home accessories, edibles and more -- making it easy to discover local design and avoid the mall. Woot-woot!"

Please come and join the fun and wackiness on 
Saturday & Sunday, Dec. 11 and 12!  
Click here for more information about this truly stellar experience!

peace out-

Sunday, October 24, 2010

eCo : waRRioR

check out my main squeeze!!
not only is he handsome, but AMAZINGLY talented and an exemplary eCo-revolutionist.